Spherical panorama drawing
The entire visual field can be mapped to the outer spherical surface.
A sphere is the ideal medium for representing a whole landscape visible at a certain point.
A: The entire visual field as an inner spherical surface
The entire visual field surrounds a viewpoint like the inner spherical surface. The rectangular planer images, like a photograph or monitor screen, are the approximated substitute for a part of spherical field of sight.A: 全視野は球の内面
B: Spherical panorama projection
Entire visual field can be mapped to the outer spherical surface.
The viewpoint locates outside of the sphere.
B: 全視野の球面上へのマッピング
C: Projected images on a spherical surface
When the image is projected on a spherical surface, a straight line in the real world is projected as a spherical geometric straight line, i.e. a part of a great circle.C: 球面に投影した像
球面に投影された現実世界の直線は、球面幾何学的な直線(大円)として描かれる。D: Projected images on a plane
When the image is projected on a plane, a straight line in the real world cannot be projected as a straight line except the lines that pass the center of the projection, e.g. the red and the blue lines in the chart. While the field of sight cannot avoid the distortion, the shape or apparent size of the objects cannot be preserved.
D: 平面に投影した像
E: Projected images on the retina
When the image is projected on a retina, every straight lines in the real world is projected as a spherical geometric straight line, therefore, we can perceive the straight line as it is.
E: 網膜に映った像